Nio Reveals ET9 EV Flagship, Promising Ultra-Fast 600-KW Charging

The ET9 sits atop the Chinese automaker’s electric lineup, and it features a 900-volt electrical architecture that supports lightning-quick charging speeds. BY BILL GIRO EMMA PUBLISHED: JAN 5, 2024 NIO Chinese EV automaker Nio seems no closer to its stated aim to ultimately sell cars in the States, but it is certainly busy in its homeland. TheContinue reading “Nio Reveals ET9 EV Flagship, Promising Ultra-Fast 600-KW Charging”

Ten things to know about electric vehicles — and how you can make the future electric. -BYIRINGIRO EMMA

Electric vehicles are not just the wave of the future, they are saving lives today. Ten things to know about electric vehicles — and how you can make the future electric. COURTESY OF CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION; CHUYIN / GETTY IMAGES; ADRIAN MARTINEZ / EARTHJUSTICE Electric vehicles are an increasingly common sight on our nation’s roadways —Continue reading “Ten things to know about electric vehicles — and how you can make the future electric. -BYIRINGIRO EMMA”

Evolution of cars from birth of Automobile to Autopilot era.

It all began with the creation of steam engine automobile capable of human transport in 1769, a little later in 1806 cars powered by an internal combustion engine-running on fuel came into existence which was an impetus to modern gasoline or petrol-fueled internal combustion engine, introduced in 1885. The year 1886 is regarded the yearContinue reading “Evolution of cars from birth of Automobile to Autopilot era.”